The most trusted primary lithium recycler in the world
Primary Lithium
The safest and most trusted team for processing primary lithium.
Our standards set us apart. Our technologies move you forward.
Primary lithium batteries are the most reactive chemistry currently being used in the household and industrial markets. When managing these batteries, exhaustive care is required to ensure the batteries do not unintentionally react or short circuit, which could lead to fires or even explosions.
A History of Safety.
A Global Legacy.
Cirba Solutions has recycled these highly reactive batteries for over 20 years – processing over 25 million pounds – which is why we we’re the most trusted recycler in the world to manage this material. Many international companies ship their lithium batteries to us just to ensure they’re managed in the safest way possible.
In addition, we hold the unique distinction of being the only company in the world that can recycle any size or type of lithium battery.
Leading the Legacy
A Patented Process with Proven Results
We utilize a proprietary cryogenic process for pre-treating all highly reactive lithium batteries. The effect of this process is to make the batteries less reactive, which enables further physical separation.
The batteries are then fed by conveyor to an automated crusher, which operates under a liquid solution to prevent fugitive emissions and reduce the reactivity of processed batteries.
The resulting materials include metal solids that are fully recovered and used as raw materials in various new products. A lithium-enriched solution is also created that then undergoes our exclusive chemical process which generates lithium carbonate – a raw material that can be reused in numerous industrial applications.
Cirba Solutions, transforming the way we use our finite resources.
Recycling todays batteries to make tomorrows.